
Educational innovation is dynamic and constantly evolving, responding to technological advances, societal changes, and economic demands. HUT takes a broader view of educational innovation, based on the need to create a research-based basis for the formation and establishment of a new learning and teaching culture in Estonian education.

In the period 2015–2023, HUT focused on digital learning environments and tools and new technology-enriched methods for promoting learning analytics and research. In the years 2024–2026, HUT will focus on the development of learning, teaching and flexible learning paths in formal and non-formal education, evidence-based school development and the dimension of lifelong learning in a technology-rich environment.

HUT's research activities are divided between three directions:

  • Learning and teaching in formal and non-formal education aims to achieve a sustainable learning society, research-based modeling of practices and evaluation of effects (including supporting the self-directed learner; designing and managing a flexible learning path; inclusive education and a multicultural learning environment; integration of formal, informal and non-formal education).
  • Lifelong learning in a technology-rich environment develops learning and teaching practices integrated with new technologies and examines their impact on learners, organizations and society. The research focuses on general education, vocational education, higher education as well as learning at work, in memory institutions and civil society.
  • Evidence-based school development focuses on a learning and teaching culture that supports the development of the learner by developing the ability of schools to manage evidence-based and collaborative change.

The Center of Excellence in Educational Innovation is coordinated by the council:


Terje Väljataga 
Head of the Center of Excellence in Educational Innovation,